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  • Writer's pictureVictor Enzobeli

Can the Real African Leaders Please Stand Up!

The year 2020 finally came to an end; this brought a sigh relief for it was indeed a very troubling year. Economies were devastated, lives were lost, and every day seemed unpleasant. However, despite the dust not settling yet as we can still feel the effects of COVID -19, this new year presents an opportunity for all to pick up themselves, and African leaders need to focus on uniting their people and steer forward restoration.

Most African countries are underdeveloped, and their economies were fragile even before the pandemic struck. Consequently, this has led to maximum damage to the social, economic structure all over the continent. Leaders should cast aside negative politics that will only lead to friction among the people - we want to get back on track.

African Leaders at the 2014 AU summit in Guinea. Photo Credits: Freedom House

In Kenya, schools reopened on 4th January 2021 after being closed for nearly ten months. A good development for students and pupils who have been adversely affected by the crisis. Thousands of underage pregnancies were reported during the lock down, and, unfortunately, this would inevitably lead to high rates of dropouts in education. Although it is a positive sign that schools have reopened, many parents will have to dig deeper into their pockets to provide for their children. The government must find a way to help them mitigate this challenge. However, the situation is ironic. The government has increased taxes instead of helping the citizens get back on their feet. The aforementioned is an example of what all African governments should not do because we are in this together, rich or poor, the impact of the adversary will find us one way or another. There is no way that we will rise by putting each other down.

Instead of increasing taxes, governments should offer subsidies, focus on getting the COVID - 19 Vaccine, teach the people how to live and survive the pandemic, offer guidance and counselling to those who lost their loved ones and give soft loans to entrepreneurs and businesses that collapsed. It will prove to be highly beneficial to the economies, and many families will find hope in a world that seems disillusioned at the moment.

In South Sudan,due to the a effects of the internal conflict, desert locust invasion, economic crisis, COVID -19, the risk of famine in 2021 has increased. A similar pattern is expected in various African countries, and therefore calls for action from all leaders and responsible stakeholders to brainstorm and come with measures that will help the Nations survive. Agricultural practices like irrigation should be improved, a food storage plan should be considered and adequate water storage practiced by everyone.

The pandemic also brought to the spotlight one of the consistent troubling issue in most African countries, the health sector. Earlier on when the pandemic struck, many hospitals were not prepared to handle the case surge due to insufficient hospital beds, ventilators, ICU rooms and various dialysis systems. It is an alarming factor that has led to many lives being lost, despite the numbers not being high as expected.

African governments should, therefore, realize that this is something that can happen again in the future. And so, more hospitals must be built, favourable health insurance implemented to safeguard every single citizen and generally, the health sector in the continent should not be neglected again so that when the need arises, we are self-sufficient and capable of taking care of our people.

As mentioned earlier, the pandemic hit the African economy hard because many people lost their jobs and businesses crumbled. Therefore, opportunities in employment should be created, especially for young people who are vulnerable and can quickly be lured into the life of crime and poor habits that will affect generations to come.

The most important thing currently is to find a way to heal and restore the people, this is another chance and we need to show unity as a continent, and who can do this better than our leaders that should lead by example. If we show love, peace and unity during this difficult period, then by the end of the year we will be far ahead.

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