I remember when I was younger, I used to wonder why my mum would almost always bargain whenever we were at the market.
I won't lie, I almost thought it was embarrassing. I was of the opinion that, "if you can't afford their asking price then just don't buy it." ( Of course, I later came to understand that sometimes the prices are set too high anyway so the vendor would still make a profit if you paid less).
Now in my "adulthood" I almost understand the whole aspect of haggling. I understand that sometimes you may really have found something unique, a house you really love and the only thing standing between you is that high price tag. Therefore, you take a chance and give a lower offer ( a counter - offer) which is most of the times accepted.
Just as a by the way, I have come to accept that I'm not good at bargaining so whenever there's need, I make sure I've called up a friend or my sister to help out.
For me, I think what strikes me the most about haggling, is actually the diligence with which people do it. It's the effort for me!
In the end, if you get something you like, something of good quality like say a garment from a reputable house you will be so happy.
It would all have been worth it.
On the flipside, you can get home and find that you didn't really get the gem you thought you were getting. Maybe there's a permanent stain you overlooked, maybe it's ill fitting etc etc. You feel like you actually wasted your precious time and even money.
We're in 2021 and it still being earlier on in the year, I think it's wise we choose for ourselves what's worth haggling (emphasis on what you should direct your efforts to) and what's just not worth it. I can't dictate what it is for you, but I want you to be happy when the year ends.
Happy because you decided to apply for those opportunities, you decided to adopt healthy habits etc. Don't lose out on having a joyful heart because you let second guessing yourself win.
Choose now, to haggle or not to haggle.
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