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  • Fiona Achieng'

Sunday Briefing - 15 November 2020

The Late Hon. JJ Rawlings; A Man of the People

"I am not an expert in economics and I am not an expert in law, but I am an expert in working on an empty stomach while wondering when and where the next meal will come from, I know what it feels like going to bed with a headache, for want of food in the stomach." - The Late Hon. JJ Rawlings

The Late Hon. Jerry John Rawlings, a Ghanaian military officer, and politician who led the country for over 20 years died on Thursday 12, 2020 at a public hospital in Ghana.

The late former president had been admitted at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital for what appears to be a week before his sudden demise.

Hon. JJ Rawlings is said to have risen to power at a time when Ghana was under economic duress, food shortages, and massive inflation. His involvement in the country's affairs has credited him Ghana's economic success thus far. He also initiated Ghana's transition from an authoritarian rule to a multiparty democracy, part of which led Ghana to its National pride. This is just the tip of the iceberg

He would speak passionately in English and one of many local languages, depending on the region he had been visiting. People would be spellbound as he gestured, swayed his body, growled, and sometimes joked while emphasizing his key message of ending rife, indiscipline and corruption - Akwasi Sarpong to BBC

While many leaders of his caliber would rather choose to travel abroad for 'better' treatment and medical care, the late Hon. Rawlings, even at his lowest, chose to be one with his people, to identify himself which their challenges. Below is a video of the Late Hon. JJ. Rawlings controlling traffic in Accra, Ghana. He remains a hero in the eyes of his people.


AirBnB Hosts Reject Black Guests

Airbnb Host: Hi. Thank you so much! If you are black, please forgive us for not receiving you!

Guest: Ok, give me my money back right now cause I am black

The said guest; Sadia Mohammed had booked an Airbnb in Melbourne, Australia where she would celebrate her 19th birthday with her sister and cousin. Sadia recounts paying half the required money and waiting for a response for two days, only to hear that she could not be offered a place to stay due to the color of her skin

I don't appreciate this at all!! This is pure racism. In a time like today especially, I'll be sure to report you immediately - Sadia to her Airbnb host Helen

According to Helen, her action towards Sadia was not discriminatory and the hosting building's management had given them an ultimatum; they did not have the ability to deal with black guests. Sadia later reported the matter to AirBnB which thereafter froze Helen's account.

Discrimination is unacceptable and has no place in our community. We have removed a host and the listing in question and will continue to investigate the matter - Derek Nolan; Head of Public Policy, Airbnb Australia.

Quick Break


Buckle Up! Google Photos is No Longer your Friend

Google photos's unlimited storage days are numbered.

After five years of promising an unlimited number of uploads, Google has decided to limit the amount of storage to15GB per account. This means that if you continue to upload multiple videos and photos on your google account, you may not have enough space for your emails.

Google photos has been a great back-up option for many when that 'insufficient storage' notification from the phone memory kicks in. But what happens now that Google may be sending the same notifications?

Anyone wishing to store more than 15GB will have to pay. Alternatively, one could invest in a larger memory storage device card. Better still, individuals may have to print out copies of images and secure them in an album the old-fashioned way

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