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  • Writer's pictureVentura Kireki 🖋


If you are in a book club then you know that there are different types of people you will find there. I am the one who reads self-improvement books so that you don't have to.

In the process, I have picked a few gems here and there that could be useful for daily living.

1. Mindset is everything !

“Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about.”
Stephen Richards

Many a times, we underestimate just how much change we can come by through shifting our mindset. It's usually quite easy to let ourselves slip into having negative thoughts and being pessimistic, but a positive mindset avails much.

Tip : This cannot just happen out of the blues. Therefore, there is need to train your mind to think positively. You can do this through using apps that send you daily affirmations in the morning. Start each day on a positive note!

2. A little discomfort is good for the road

To wait until everything feels settled for you to do something is a disservice to yourself. What happens if you never get there?

Will you deny yourself joy ?

Will you deny the rest of the world of your art, your impact?

Don't !

Do it now.

Do it today.

Do it Uncomfortable.

Entertain the discomfort sometimes!

Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

3. People pleasing will never cut it

I don't believe that there's a point in time someone has managed to please everyone in their life. Some of the decisions we make may "disappoint" others because of the sole reason that they would have preferred it done a different way. Sometimes people are offended and take it personally when we don't take their opinions seriously.

It goes on and on......

Master your own life.

Make you happy.

If it makes others happy as well, that's a plus.

4. Re-start

Re-start! Okay, at least once then ?

"Just Start!" is a more common phrase to most of us.It's good advice yes but sometimes we start because of pressures and without even knowing why. We start without even being in the right headspace or having the right mindset and hence things fail.

Re-starting on the other hand comes from an informed position and hence gives more accurate results. Starting over is not wrong.

Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

5. It can probably wait

Not everything deserves to be a top priority.

Not everything is urgent. Learning to evaluate how much time we give to different things helps us live more fulfilled lives.

Remember to always have free time to do things that make you happy. Have time to just rest and be restored. It's okay to be selfish with your time too - be unapologetic about it.

Things can wait, your well- being cannot.

Let me know, which point is your take home after reading this ? Any tips you could share with us ?

Leave a comment.

Take care !

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