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  • Courage Asamoah

Courage and the Art of No

​The courage to say ‘no’ is a bold step towards protecting one’s principles, worth and value. It is especially so when a tempting and enormous castle of cash comes battling our moral values.

Indeed, staying on course and disciplined can be quite the high task but nevertheless very necessary. Even when everyone else around opts not to, being able to stand firm, settled and rooted will always be the right thing to do. It saves us from troubles and guards the spaces within which we exist.


The signs were visible to the eyes. Yet, blindness and ignorance hovered around comfortably.

The fear of rejection and the pleasing people desire hinders many from confidently saying 'No' (even when it's for their best interest). Many have sacrificed their peace of mind, pride, dignity, values, and joy just because they couldn't turn down illustrious offers.

This reminds me of the old adage, “all that glitters is not gold”. It doesn't matter whether the courtship, friendship or relationship has been through gruelling moments and coast-to-coast crusades. If a 'no' would be the best option after thorough observation and analysis, then invite the courage to say so.

Photo by Gemma Evans on Unsplash

​There are friendships we know that are not edifying and encouraging but we still carry on as though all is right.

There were so many 'yes' moments when they could have been 'no's'. Afterwards, regrets and consequences came knocking so hard. “The pulpit designated for altar calls to boldly say a ‘no’ for survival.Ushers under pressure to direct. Come just as you are! Discerning sound from the throne. Clocks falling forward".

It doesn’t end at the altar.

There's an urgent need to weigh things before jumping into an agreement.


​How can an athlete win races, if he hasn't mastered the ‘mind management’ to place an embargo on drugs, alcohol, and protein bars?

He needs a healthy diet to protect the mind and body for peak athletic performance.

Each one of us has a divine race right here on planet earth. Winning this race depends on how well we can protect ourselves and stay within our lane.

Doing so isn't offered on a silver platter. It demands intentional efforts to veto things that would plant weeds in our field.

On the flip side, until those undesirable weeds are plucked, our beauty and light seems hidden. Thus knowing the race we are called to run, saves us time, energy, and resources. Else, we are tempted to follow the crowd. Even when they are journeying into the lion's den.

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

​“Seats in all Ethiopian Flights sold out to Forgiveness, Love, and Kindness. Emergency in coalition with a new dawn of glory. Pilots enjoying higher altitude of 11,583 with 923 km/h speed. Distance to destinations covered. Passengers onboard unwilling to checkout. It feels better inside, they screamed” (There are so many instances in life where some have been advised to see no need to walk in love, kindness, and forgiveness. But, it’s a new season of glory to embrace the ticket to come on board this gracious flight. And when you join, have the courage to stay on and on. Till eternity. Let’s remain in this flight of light and never step down. Even when voices of misleading pilots in life resound a thousand times).


We must learn to say no to bitterness, fear, unforgiveness and hatred. Be anxious for nothing. Worry not.

Walking through life, I have seen some who have given themselves the eloquent job of placing labels and judgements on others and themselves. Just because you made one mistake, you have made the label of pain become your daily encounter. May endless joy be your everyday testimony. Amen.

Some parents have placed destructive labels on their children with words. Great parents feed their children’s dreams with the required support and resources. They do not kill them with dead pronouncements. They bring out stars for their kids right on their knees in the secret place of prayer. On their knees, they can find the courage to orchestrate things in their favour.

Some teachers have taken the mantle of measuring the length and breadth of their students’ future through the grades they obtain. They forget that their destiny and future is beyond the classroom.

God's label carefully enshrined in His Word is the best suit you must put on. Anything contrary to that, must be put down under our feet.

Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash

Say a big ‘no’ to wrong labels. Every moment of our lives count. Thus, we need to get more acquainted with our true identity. You are not a failure. You are bigger than who they see you to be and who you see yourself to be.

​"Ghana National Theatre stage starved with palpitating applauds for acceptance of delivered keynote speech on boldly saying ‘no’; empty seats with masks on, a standing ovation unattained. Heavy silence grew mightier" (Not everyone would follow you again or clap for you when you have the boldness to say ‘no’.)


​It is evident we might lose relatives and friends when we boldly say no to unworthy things. We might lose that job in the spectacle of failing to agree to corrupt contracts. We shouldn't feel discouraged by being individual vigilantes who stand for what is right. “It is always the right time to do the right thing” (Martin Luther king Jr.).

​"Never feel ashamed of walking down the aisle of life alone joyfully for a while. For if you forcefully drag a bride to a sprung floor, you might be left alone at the altar for ages. What do you do then? Allow the bride to come boldly. Complete her race with an outstretched hand to meet hers".

​There are some things we have turned down that If we would have exercised a little patience, the story would have been totally different. A quick no can be a limiting factor when care isn't taken. “We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us” (see Philippians 4:13). Turning the face against the wall shouldn't be escorted with selfish motive, but doing so, should further encourage a resilient fence to guard our heart and tested principles.

Photo by James Healy on Unsplash

We cannot impress everyone with our decisions. Our destiny would be in danger if we decided to please everyone. Do not concede to the tactics of fear. Do not be scared. Live having the full consciousness of where you started from and where you going to. On this voyage, you need the COURAGE to make, choose and build.

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