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  • Writer's pictureVentura Kireki 🖋


Happy New Month ! We are already 4 days in huh !

I hope you've been keeping well though.

On today's post, I'll be sharing on something that I have experienced myself. Poor sleep quality.

I don't know if it's just me, but I've had some days where I've woken up feeling rather tired. Even on the days I slept for the recommended 8 hours. And believe you me, those have been some of my most unproductive and unmotivated days.

However with a few changes here and there, I have managed to actually feel well rested when I wake up. At least on most days.

Some things you may want to consider doing include :

No screen time immediately before bed

Put that phone away early enough before you sleep. This can be about an hour to 2 before bedtime. I would also recommend as it starts to get darker in the evening preset your phone to filter blue light. The warmer light is easier on the eye and makes for a much easier transition to bedtime.

In place of screentime get alternative things to do such as journaling, reading a chapter of a book, your evening devotion among other things.

Burning scented candles

There are certain scents that are just calming. It's similar to smelling flowers. Most people when they smell flowers feel 'nice', 'calm' , 'relaxed'. This is the same effect that scented candles have.

The fact there is a whole technique on how to burn scented candles is a story for another day.

Warm bath/shower before bed

I can normally feel the sleep in my eyes moments after this. This with a little pamper session in the form of a night time skincare routine really goes a long way for me. You should give it a try for a week and see how it works for you.

Chamomile tea

Sipping on some chamomile tea, book in hand, winding down the day. Sounds great yeah? Or how about sipping on the tea as you journal down how your day was, what you want the next day to look like....It's really up to you.

The goal is to ensure that you're as relaxed as you could be before you retire to bed.

Share with us any tips you have tried before.


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See you on the next post !

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