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  • Goldah


All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know - Ernest Hemingway -

I am writing this at around 9:52 PM on a Friday evening. My thoughts are all over the place and everything wants to be written. This week in a nutshell? Trying! It has tested my limits. I've cried in the school's lavatories, cursed a lot and wondered too much on everything that has happened to me in the recent past........

Speaking of wondering, in one of my literature classes we got to discuss Plato's and Aristotle's views on literature. Despite one being the teacher of the other, they had opposing views.

Aristotle for one advanced the case of literature being a tool for entertainment, expressing emotions and communicating experiences. Plato on the other hand was against all that and believed that literature was not useful.

A question is then raised in class. What is the purpose of literature ? Sure, we read literature and even enjoy it sometimes but then what next?

If anything, what truly is the purpose of anything that we do?

In the end , in the grand scheme of things, does it matter ? We may not have the answers to these questions but at least we can fill ourselves in on what we do each day that passes. Each month and even each year.

I for one have been :

Making: lists on what I want to accomplish within a certain time frame. This gives me a sense of productivity. Spending: time with my dear friends. It seems unreal that four years in university just flew by. I'm learning to value the time we have together. I'm also spending cash on my transport ; commuting is so expensive and honestly, I can't wait for this phase to end. Forgetting: my water bottle in some place to only go back not find it.

Taking: a whole load of pictures. I am hoarding all the memories that I can manage to capture of the evening sky. Playing: Checkers. A dear friend introduced me to this wonderful game during the week and I enjoyed it without a doubt. I even downloaded an app to practice. Eating: a lot of fries and to think that one of my new year resolutions was to eat healthy... Wanting: a dotted notebook (hello bullet journal life). Reading: more than just school texts such as Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Adichie and Macbeth by William Shakespeare. l am soaking in the gorgeousness that is in Siri Hustvedt's writing in A Woman looking at Men looking at Women. Wishing: for a visit at the Oloolua Nature Trails. It is long overdue! Intending: to finally get my mojo back and catch up on school work and my fitness journey. Also, getting new shoes and not the Bata Ngomas. Listening: to podcasts to pass time. Podcasts that I'm digging: Hidden Brain and The First Draft And finally Counting : on you to share this post and leave a comment.

What about you ? what are you taking stock of as we begin this new month ?

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2 Kommentare

03. Feb. 2021

Right?Days are passing by so quick. Thank you so much for reading

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Yvonne Sasha Otieno
Yvonne Sasha Otieno
03. Feb. 2021

Reading this has left me wondering how fast the year is moving.

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